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Configuration Options


Pelican allows users to create backups of their servers. In order to create backups, a backup storage method has to be configured.

When changing Pelican's backup storage method, users may still download or delete existing backups from the prior storage driver. In the instance of migrating from S3 to local backups, S3 credentials must remain configured after switching to the local backup storage method.

Make sure to clear the config cache (cd /var/www/pelican && php artisan config:clear) and to restart the queue worker (systemctl restart pelican) after changing the backup driver to apply the changes.

Using Local Backups

By default, Pelican uses local storage via Wings for backups. That said, this method of backup storage can be explicitly set with the following configuration in the .env file:


Please note that, when using local storage via Wings, the destination for backups is set in the Wings config file with the following setting key:

backup_directory: /path/to/backup/storage

Using S3 Backups

AWS S3 (or compatible storage) can be used to store remote or cloud-based backups. The following configuration options have to be set in the .env file or as environment variables in order to enable it:

# Sets your panel to use s3 for backups

# Info to connect to AWS S3

For some configurations, you might have to change your S3 URL from to To accomplish this, add AWS_USE_PATH_STYLE_ENDPOINT=true to your .env file.

Multipart Upload

The S3 backup is using the S3 multipart upload capabilities. In rare situations, you might want to adjust the size of a single part or the lifespan of the generated pre-signed URLs. The default part size is 5GB, and the default pre-signed URL lifespan is 60 minutes.

You can configure the maximal part size using the BACKUP_MAX_PART_SIZE environment variable. You must specify the size in bytes. To define the pre-signed URL lifespan, use the BACKUP_PRESIGNED_URL_LIFESPAN variable. The expected unit is minutes.

The following .env snippet configures 1GB parts and uses 120 minutes as the pre-signed URL lifespan:


Storage Class

Should you need to specify a storage class, use the AWS_BACKUPS_STORAGE_CLASS environment variable. Default option is STANDARD (S3 Standard).


Reverse Proxy Setup

When running Pelican behind a reverse proxy, such as Cloudflare's Flexible SSL or NGINX/Apache/Caddy, etc., you will need to make a quick modification to the Panel to ensure things continue to work as expected. By default, when using these reverse proxies, your Panel will not correctly handle requests. You'll most likely be unable to login or see security warnings in your browser console as it attempts to load insecure assets. This is because the internal logic the Panel uses to determine how links should be generated thinks it is running over HTTP and not over HTTPS.

You will need to edit the .env file in the Panel's root directory to contain TRUSTED_PROXIES=* at minimum. We highly suggest providing a specific IP address (or comma-separated list of IPs) rather than allowing *. For example, if your proxy is running on the same machine as the server, the chances are that something like TRUSTED_PROXIES= will work for you.

NGINX Specific Configuration

To properly respond to an NGINX reverse proxy, the NGINX location config must contain the following lines:

proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
proxy_redirect off;
proxy_buffering off;
proxy_request_buffering off;

Cloudflare Specific Configuration

If you're using Cloudflare's Flexible SSL you should set TRUSTED_PROXIES to contain their IP addresses. Below is an example of how to set this.


Disabling recaptcha

If you cannot access your panel, you can modify the database directly using the following commands.

mysql -u root -p
UPDATE panel.settings SET value = 'false' WHERE `key` = 'settings::recaptcha:enabled';


If possible you should use the panel to update your 2FA settings. If you can't access your panel for what ever reason you can use the following steps.

Disable 2FA requirement

mysql -u root -p
UPDATE panel.settings SET value = 0 WHERE `key` = 'settings::pelican:auth:2fa_required';

Disable 2FA for a specific user

Run the following command in your /var/www/pelican directory.

php artisan p:user:disable2fa